Rancho 3M-Orphanage- MX 🇲🇽
Our R3M trip happens to be one of our most popular trips! Why? Well, ask any of our alumni, who return year after year to come and serve 45-60 kids of all ages and their wonderful staff.

Our 2023 R3M Team
Rancho is a very special place! A place where children with difficult backgrounds find a safe place to be themselves. A place of education, Christian life, peace and love, true love!
While there our team spends the mornings on work projects. These projects can be anything from painting, landscaping, repairs, construction, and even the famous gravel run to a nearby dry riverbed!
When the kids are finished with school for the day, we plan a weeklong VBS for them. Each afternoon is filled with Bible stories, games, snacks, and crafts. This year we had the joy of sharing the gospel with some new arrivals to R3M. These precious little ones come from hard places, and we count it such a privilege to have been ready to greet them with the good news of Jesus’ love and care for them! Also, boy do they love to color!
Each year we host a medical clinic at the Ranch. The kids get their annual check-ups, sick kids are provided with any medicine they need. Families from the on-site school and the local community are welcomed and seen by our team. It’s a beautiful day of meeting practical needs! This year we were able to follow-up on the care of a prosthetic eye, type 1 diabetes, as well as lots of typical childhood injuries and illnesses. What a blessing to give them the medication they need and to leave their medicine cabinet fully stocked with vitamins for all the children as well as over the counter medicine for first aid and things like colds and fevers!

Our Nurses Ready for the Kids
One other highlight of our trip is the staff dinner. Our team looks forward to this night of loving and honoring the incredible staff of Rancho 3M! We take over the cooking, serving, and caring for the kids, as the staff enjoys a relaxing meal in our dining room. This year we served the kids hot dogs and homemade mac and cheese. We also set up the best dessert and coffee bar for the staff. We cannot do enough for these selfless servants who give their lives to the kids at the Ranch each day!
Thank you so much to all who travel with us to serve the R3M family, and also to all who GIVE so we can bless them with supplies and medicine! OTTOM will be returning this coming fall. This trip fills up quickly, so don’t delay in signing up!
Committed to make a difference,
Pastor Victor A. Cruz
One to the Other Ministries